Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mission accomplished: road trip. Overall score: 95/100

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I'm properly tired and this is going to be a short summary of how things went. Well, a summary and a short one - you get the idea: I'll write 5 sentences about some unrelated stuff and one sentence about the "road trip" itself.

Good things:

  • Managed to (once more) verify that I'm having anxiety attacks (mild ones, maybe, but still anxiety attacks) when on road.
  • Survived the trip, even though I was having my worst nightmare issues: stomach ache in the middle of a bad situation - while waiting on border crossing. (I still think that situations like this one actually brought me to the point where I'm standing right now).
  • Had a great time with my very dear person mentioned in the last post.
  • Had a great time with a friend of mine who was travelling with me.
  • Didn't give up, even though my stomach was giving its best to leave me home.
Bad things:
  • I had stomach issues.
  • I panicked.
You tell me. Who's in control, who should be in control, what should I do next?

Stay good... I'm already sleeping.

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